Product Designer

Currently designing thoughtful experiences at TripActions. I enjoy turning complex workflows into elegant and intuitive solutions.

Previously, I designed at Disney as a Senior UX Designer, and at IHMC as a hybrid UX Designer / Software Engineer.

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Featured Projects

Booking Experience

Lead the redesign effort of our Next Gen booking experience for corporate travelers.

Role: Product Designer (Research, UI/UX, testing)

Playbook (Disney)

Business application to optimize and manage staff operations for upcoming events and games.

Role: Sr UX Designer, UX Researcher

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Research in wearable robotics, we developed several variations of lower body exoskeleton devices. Collaborated with other leaders such as NASA.

Role: Software Engineer, Interaction Designer

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AdVisor (Disney)

Lead the redesign for a web-based application that enables Ad Sales to manage operations, track sales pipeline, inventory and allocate inventory to advertisers. Managing billions of dollars in revenue.

Role: Sr UX Designer, UX Researcher, mentoring

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Surgical Systems

Designed a patented gesture-based interface with tactile feedback to control a robotic surgery simulator for the DaVinci Surgical system.

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Racing car performance

Developed a real-time distributed system for professional race-car drivers, including a mobile App, tactile feedback and research.

Role: Software Engineer, Interaction Designer, Mentor

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Standing Desk (StandIt)

I designed and oversaw build of an iOS app for StandIT, a standing desk controlled by smartphone. The app featured wellness tracking, proximity detection, and a calorie counter. I also ran the Kickstarter campaign and wrote a provisional patent.

Role: Software Engineer, Interaction Designer, Mentor

Design Systems

Leading the rebuild and modernization of 3 Design Systems to improve productivity, consistency and quality.

Design Process

1. Strategy
Before jumping into designing, I always make sure that we're asking the right questions and trying to solve the right challenges.
  • Competitive analysis
  • Interviews
  • Heuristic evaluations
  • Formulate hypothesis
2. Sketch
This is where we focus on the solutions. One approach is to diverge and converge with few exercises that emphasizes critical thinking.
  • Wireframing
  • Information architecture
  • Design sessions
  • Storyboards
4. Deliver or iterate
One of the the low fidelity idea will be turned into an interactive prototype, all we need is testing with the users to validate our assumptions.
  • Interactive Prototypes
  • Usability Testing
  • Experiment Design
  • Sketch, InVision...
3. Prototype
By now, you will know if this is potentially a good solution. Iterate or deliver it to the Engineering team for development.
  • High Fidelity Designs
  • Visual Design
  • Specs, Audits...
  • Or iterate


My Collaborators

I worked with many serious brands in the industry